A downloadable game for Windows

The Last Knight : JEFF HOSTETLER

The king sends his Last dependable Knight out to rescue his only daughter from the Evil monster of the Outer world. Throughout his journey he encounters the bravest and the most feared soldiers and demons, but the Knight is by far the greatest warrior from his world. With unstoppable speed, jumping abilities and the sword he carries is made off of the strongest medal and it’s also one for a GOD, he is able to shoot fire with his sword and kill his opponents. He has been on this journey for 6 months. Go battle the monsters, collect hearts for health, collect diamonds and enter each new journey by finding the SPECIAL TREE high above.The King awaits You, the Last Knight to return with his daughter. 

F key= Fires bullets

Right key= Run

Shift + right key= Increase speed

Spacebar= Jump

Right Key+Shift+Spacebar= Increase jumping and speed


The Last Knight.zip 31 MB